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The sector of the community for which the program is intended is made up of children and adolescents at risk. They are at risk from all those "circumstances involving factors or actions that may cause physical or psychological damage", and that in the case of our scholars these risks are a part of their daily environment, and are not random or eventual; school dropouts, adolescent pregnancies, dysfunctional families, repetition of patterns of violence, use of drugs, violence and criminal behavior, et cetera.


The world of “dance that gives hope” represents for these children a reason to set goals and work for them, allows them to be concentrated and find a way to channel their experiences and concerns in a healthy and artistic way; it encourages them to dream of being part of a different world and gives them the opportunity to make it possible.

For those of us who have the good fortune to collaborate in the program, are witnesses of the achievements and good performance of the students. Each one, at his own pace, with his talent and personality, advances and improves, not only in the artistic area, but also in his interpersonal relationships; and academically, some stand out for their academic excellence.

One of the most representative achievements of the cycle is that from October 29 to November 5, 2017, four of the scholarship students traveled with 25 students from Danza Téllez to Córdoba, Veracruz; where they participated in a national dance contest.

We are proud of our scholars and very grateful to our sponsors. We believe faithfully in our Mission, and that the future of a country resides in the integral formation that its children and youth receive.


Students were invited to participate during the year in different events and activities. During the 2017-2018 school year, the most relevant extraordinary activities in which all or some of them participated are:

Participation in the 8th International dance Festival in Cordoba, Veracruz and to go to the semifinals of the Young American Grand Prix N.Y.

Participation in The Nutcracker Ballet and DT Christmas Festival.

Christmas Party and Celebration sponsored by DT and employees of El Dorado Beach Club & Golf.

Swim with dolphins sponsored by Mrs. Christina Lyon.

Special guests to be part of the Dance troupe at Gala de Danza México 2018.

Private Ballet class with professional GDD dancers.

Participation in the DT end-of-course festival.

Breakfast and end of course event,

Invited as guests to the Danza Téllez summer course.

1st place in Floras Farm Altar of the Death Contest in the categories of Tradicional Altar and Creative Altar.

Support and solidarity demonstration during the International autism day.

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